Improve Knowledge

Decades of scientific inquiry and study have expanded our understanding of Ontario’s biodiversity, but there is still much to learn. In particular, we need to better understand how Ontario’s many plants, animals and micro-organisms contribute to broader ecological functions and to the health of our envi- ronment. We also need to understand what motivates individuals and sectors to begin working toward biodiverstiy conservation. Long-term investment in reserach and monitoring and the establishment of stratigic partnerships to address these knowledge gaps are essential to achieving our biodiversity goals.

In addition biodiversity information must be interpreted for a wider audience and communicated clearly so that it can be used in decision making. Everyone must understand how their actions and choices can have an impact on biodiversity.

OBJECTIVE: Improve and share biodiversity knowledge


  • Essential knowledge for conserving biodiversity is accessible to a wide audience and is used to make good decisions.

OBJECTIVE: Implement biodiversity monitoring, reporting and evaluation


  • The ability to assess and report on the state of Ontario’s biodiversity is improved.

Key Actions:


