text for august video series on blue background

Prioritizing biodiversity education in a changing world

In a changing world, we have to adapt the way we teach biodiversity to ensure that it remains relevant and relatable to its audiences.  And, in an ongoing global pandemic, virtual learning has dominated the education scene.

Using different pre-recorded videos, this session looks at how educators and biodiversity programs have adapted their teaching and the technologies they use, and the advantages and disadvantages of virtual education.

We hope you enjoy our August video series.  It’s part of the 2021 Ontario Biodiversity Summit.  You can also check out our July video series here!


screen shot from video for emerging leaders for biodiversity

Emerging Leaders for Biodiversity

screen shot of Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters education video

OFAH Heritage Center

screen shot from a video about the Alderville Black Oak Savanna

Alderville Black Oak Savanna


Thanks to the Biodiversity Education and Awareness Network (BEAN) for organizing this video series (and our July series which you can find here).  You can learn more about BEAN and the amazing work it does at: https://www.biodiversityeducation.ca/