The targets have end dates of 2025 and 2030, because that’s when we will report on our progress via the State of Ontario’s Biodiversity. Work towards achieving them can and should take place as quickly and effectively as possible.
The targets and actions are not a complete list of everything that needs to be done in Ontario. The Ontario Biodiversity Council acknowledges that more specific actions may be required to address local or regional conservation priorities.
Identify what we want to achieve and include ways to measure our progress and timing for when we want to complete them.
Five strategic directions reflect the key components required to conserve biodiversity:
Each strategic direction includes targets and actions to focus our efforts and guide actions and activities from all sectors.
1. By 2025, sectors have developed action plans in support of Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy and by 2030 those plans are being implemented.
2. By 2025, the capacity for people to conserve biodiversity is increased and by 2030 people are taking action to protect and care for biodiversity in their daily lives.
3. By 2030, biodiversity conservation programs and actions are inclusive, equitable and reflect Indigenous knowledge and diverse perspectives.
4. By 2030, land use planning approaches to maintain and enhance biodiversity, such as natural heritage systems, are implemented at local, regional, and provincial levels.
5. By 2030, the harmful impacts of invasive species on biodiversity are further reduced.
6. By 2030, the release of ecologically damaging pollutants is reduced to a level that is not harmful to biodiversity and ecosystem services.
7. By 2030, the impacts of climate change on biodiversity are minimized and biodiversity is enhanced to support climate mitigation and adaptation.
8. By 2030, Ontario’s per-capita resource consumption and waste generation is reduced and is within Ontario’s biocapacity limits.
9. By 2025, priority restoration areas are identified and by 2030 efforts are underway to restore biodiversity to at least 30 per cent of priority areas.
10. By 2030, at least 30 per cent of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are conserved through well-connected networks of protected areas and conservation lands.
11. By 2030, the conservation of species and ecosystems in Ontario is improved.
12. By 2030, Ontario’s biodiversity research, monitoring and reporting framework is improved, accessible and reflects diverse knowledge systems and perspectives.
13. By 2030, biodiversity considerations are integrated into the public and private sectors including through budgeting, funding, investments and financial disclosure.
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