Our turning point for nature When: May 21-22nd, 2025 Where: Trent University, Peterborough-Nogojiwanong, Ontario. Standard registration $425. Student registration $200. All applicable taxes are included. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Register here! About the 2025 Ontario Biodiversity Summit Everyone has a role to play to conserve biodiversity in Ontario and to set a path towards a […]
In celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity (Biodiversity Day), individuals and organizations from across Ontario and around the globe are making sure they are part of the plan to conserve and restore biodiversity.
The Ontario Biodiversity Council recognizes that Indigenous Peoples are essential partners in biodiversity conservation and commits to “recognize and respect the contribution of Indigenous and local knowledge to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems.”1
We celebrated Biodiversity Day on May 22nd 2023 by releasing a Summary of the renewed Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy! The full strategy is coming soon so check back! In the meantime, we wanted to share some of the updates and improvements made to the Strategy, which will guide our conservation actions to 2030. Check out and share […]
Check out our news release about the updates to Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy! We’re pleased to share the summary version with you. You can read our news release about it here: News release OBS2023
Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy helps guide conservation efforts in Ontario. It’s time to update it to focus on new targets and priorities to 2030. Get involved! Share your ideas on how we can work together to: empower people, reduce threats, enhance resilience, improve knowledge, and transform investments.
The 2021 Ontario Biodiversity Summit brought together people to talk about and take action to conserve biodiversity. This summary document re-caps the important key takeaways and priority actions from each of the sessions! 2021 Ontario Biodiversity Summit Summary
The 2021 Ontario Biodiversity Summit took place from May to October, 2021. It brought together people from across Ontario to talk about, celebrate, and discuss actions to conserve and restore biodiversity.
Every 5 years the Ontario Biodiversity Council reports on the health of biodiversity in Ontario, and our progress towards meeting the 15 targets in Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy. The 2020 Summary report is out now!
Prioritizing biodiversity education in a changing world In a changing world, we have to adapt the way we teach biodiversity to ensure that it remains relevant and relatable to its audiences. And, in an ongoing global pandemic, virtual learning has dominated the education scene.
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