There are serious threats and challenges to biodiversity conservation in Ontario but there are also opportunities to create solutions.
Ontarians care about the environment and many participate in efforts to conserve biodiversity. Ontario residents care about clean air and water, wildlife and parks. Ontario households actively participate in ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ programs to limit the garbage we produce. Issues like climate change are prompting more awareness and action, and a growing understanding of the links between biodiversity and human health. And many households have shifted to buying locally grown produce and products.
Stewardship is a growing trend in Ontario as more and more people take an interest in the environment and protecting Ontario’s biodiversity. You can get involved in stewardship activities in your community via your local conservation authority or the stewardship network of Ontario.
You can monitor biodiversity in your own backyard and contribute to a greater understanding of the health of our plants and animals by getting involved in Citizen Science. Ontario Nature’s ‘Directory of Citizen Science‘ is a great place to find initiatives in your area.
Ontario has a number of laws that help protect biodiversity and sustainably use natural resources. The Endangered Species Act, the Far North Act, the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, and the new Invasive Species Act all support biodiversity. You can read about and comment on environmental matters being proposed by the government ministries covered by the Environmental Bill of Rights by visiting the Environmental Registry.
We are at a critical point in Ontario if we are going to keep the valuable biodiversity we have. But this challenge is also an opportunity to take action now to ensure that we can pass Ontario’s immense natural wealth to our children and grandchildren.
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