We cannot protect what we don’t understand. The State of Ontario’s Biodiversity 2015 report provides a ‘report card’ on the health of biodiversity in our province and where we need to focus efforts to better conserve and restore it. It contains 45 indicators that help us measure things like pollution, ice cover on the great lakes, invasive species, and much more to provide an overall assessment of biodiversity in Ontario. It also measures our progress in meeting Ontario’s 15 Biodiversity Targets. The Ontario Biodiversity Council committed to reporting on both of these items when Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy was renewed in 2011.
New for 2015, the report is now housed on a dynamic web-based platform that includes detailed assessments and links to relevant background information.
Individual indicators are updated regularly when new data are available and a brief report summarizing what the indicators are telling us will be published on this site every 5 years (the next summary report is due in 2020).
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